Friday, June 14, 2013

Survey: 42% of Physicians are Dissatisfied

Written by Heather Punke | June 11, 2013
Forty-two percent of practicing physicians are dissatisfied with their job, according to a survey conducted by Jackson Healthcare.
 The survey was conducted between March 7 and April 1 and includes responses from 3,456 physicians.
 According to the survey, the top drivers of physician dissatisfaction are:
 •    Decreasing autonomy: 46 percent
•    Low reimbursement: 35 percent
•    Administrative hassles: 23 percent
 Here are three more findings on physician dissatisfaction from the survey:
 •    59 percent would not recommend the medical profession
•    Anesthesiologists, surgery subspecialists, pediatric subspecialists and dermatologists were more likely to be satisfied
•    Physicians practicing internal medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine, radiology and hospital medicine were more likely to be dissatisfied

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