Friday, August 19, 2011

8 ways to inspire & encourage others

gomo:(go-mo) a person who goes through the motionsd-grunt:(dee-grunt) a disgruntled person

We don't like working with them. We don't like being
served by them.

Neither do your customers and colleagues (it's how
you can lose both of them).

8 ways to keep the Gomos and D-grunts away...
  1. Inspire more smiles at work. Pick up this fun Smile sign.
  2. Help people stop complaining and Be Complainless:
    Get the pocket cards and wristbands.
  3. Improve people's attitudes (and actions) toward service:
    Watch/ Send the Smile & Move® video.
  4. Inspire a little extra effort: Watch/ Send the 212® video.
  5. Encourage people to commit to whatever they do:
    Watch/ Send the Cross the Line™ presentation.
  6. Squelch big egos. Encourage a Be No Ego mindset:
    Get the pocket cards and wristbands.
  7. Remind people that luck is made:
    Get the Push Your Luck wristbands and pocket cards.
  8. Really rock things and encourage love (without the fluff): Handout the Love Your People booklet (5-minute read). Read the introduction here. Buy copies here.
Remember, we ultimately enjoy more (better results, relationships, responsibilities) by giving more.

If you'd like to evaluate the Smile & Move book for use with a team, email us at and we'll email you an excerpt.

If you lead a team or organization and would like to talk about integrating these ideas into your training or company culture, we'd love to talk with you (please email or call, 1-866-952-4483).

Sam Parker (the guy behind this stuff)
804-762-4500 ext. 303

P.S. I've been talking with several large groups over the last couple of months and put a few of the main thoughts from those talks into these quick videos.

Also... a little fun from our blog (if you've not seen it). It's the classic office linebacker (Terry Tate) video on reinforcing the work ethic. The 'pain train' kills me (at 1:15). Our tools and messages above are little more humane.

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