Monday, December 5, 2016

VA Beneficiaries with Cancer Pay $2,367 Out-of-Pocket Annually

Researchers at Johns Hopkins recently published a study on out-of-pocket spending for cancer patients. Here are some key findings from the report:

Out-of-pocket costs range from $2,116 to $8,115 for Medicare cancer patients.
Medicare covers 80% of outpatient costs, has $1,000 co-pays for hospital visits.
Out-of-pocket costs were $2,116 annually for Medicaid beneficiaries with cancer.
VA beneficiares paid $2,367 out-of-pocket for care with a new cancer diagnosis.
10% reported that those costs were at least 63% of annual income.
Hospitalizations accounted for 12-46% of out-of-pocket cancer spending.

Source: Johns Hopkins, November 23, 2016

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