Monday, December 30, 2013

Estimates of Healthcare Costs in Retirement

Most individuals have not taken steps to plan for health care costs in retirement. Across age groups, only about one-third (36%) have tried to estimate how much money they will need to save and have set money aside to cover these expenses in the future. Adults age 60-64 (40%) are just slightly more likely than those age 50-59 (35%) to have money set aside although these differences are not statistically significant. Estimates of the actual costs of health care in retirement vary significantly. More than four in ten adults age 50-64 (42%) believe they will need to accumulate less than $100,000 to cover out-of-pocket health care expenses during their retirement. In addition, sixteen percent believe it will cost less than $50,000 and 15% say they simply do not know. Source: AARP

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