February 16, 2017 By D
While the House and
Senate plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, members of Congress are hosting
town hall meetings with their constituents and have been greeted by hostile crowds.
These folks seem to
have amnesia about Obamacare’s glaring failures.
Here’s a quick
refresher on Obamacare’s top four broken promises.
1. Costs are
President Barack Obama
promised that his reform proposal would cut typical family costs
by $2,500 annually. That, of course, never materialized.
The typical family
today pays about 35 percent of their income for health care.
The small group and
individual insurance markets were hit hard by big premium increases. An eHealth report
concluded that from 2013 to 2017, the average individual market premium
increases were 99 percent for individuals and a jaw-dropping 140 percent for
Costs have also
increased for those with employer-sponsored insurance, according to the Kaiser Family
Foundation, from 2010 to 2016, average family premiums for
employer-sponsored plans nearly increased 32 percent.
Higher premiums are
not the only shock. Out-of-pocket costs in the Obamacare exchanges,
particularly deductibles, have been stunning. HealthPocket analyzed that
for the lowest tier bronze plans in 2017, the average deductible for an
individual is $6,092 and $12,383 for a family.
2. Competition and
choice are declining.
Obama told America his
proposal would increase competition in the health insurance markets but that
hasn’t happened either.
On Tuesday, news broke
that Humana
will be leaving the Obamacare exchange markets next year. This was just the
latest in a growing list of insurers who are jumping ship from this massive
public policy failure.
Town hall audiences
should take a good look at county-level data. A new Heritage Foundation
analysis found that Obamacare’s exchanges, in their fourth year of
operation, offer Americans little health insurer choice.
The downward slide in
competition means that in 2017, consumers in 70 percent of U.S. counties are
left with just one or two insurer options on the exchanges. The 70 percent
figure is way up from 36 percent in 2016.
3. Forget about
keeping your plan.
Perhaps the most
famous health care promise of all, Obama’s promise: “If you like your health
care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.” In fact, there were 37 instances
where Obama or a high-ranking administration official repeated that infamous
promise to keep you plan and your doctor.
Rarely has there been
such a disconnect between rhetoric and reality. In 2014, the first year that
Obamacare was fully implemented, the Associated Press
reported that there were at least 4.7 million canceled policies across 30
states. The law’s insurance rules and mandates forced many insurers to cancel
plans that people liked and wanted.
Sadly, the disruption
only continued from there. For example, hundreds of thousands of people signed
up for plans offered by insurers under Obamacare’s co-op program.
But 18 out of 23
of these federally-funded insurers have already collapsed, meaning taxpayers
are highly unlikely to be repaid the more than $1.9 billion in loans they
received—not to mention the thousands of co-op enrollees that lost their health
care plans, some in the middle of the year.
Not exactly a proud
moment in public policy.
4. No, you can’t
necessarily keep your doctor.
Obama promised
patients that they would be able to keep their doctors. For many patients, that
also turned out to be untrue.
Obamacare’s rising
costs, and its limited flexibility in federally fixed benefit designs, resulted
in plans resorting to narrow provider networks. Narrow networks limit access to
doctors and other medical professionals as a way to contain costs.
Enough is enough. For
seven years, Obamacare has proved to be one giant bundle of broken promises and
policy failures. Congress needs to get serious—quickly—and repeal Obamacare.
This is a crucial
first step in moving America toward the patient-centered
health care system our country deserves.
Commentary by The Heritage Foundation’s Jean
Morrow. Originally published
at The Daily Signal.
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