Thursday, February 9, 2017

80 Million Adults Went Without Care in 2012 Due To Cost

The Commonwealth Fund recently released an analysis of the health insurance market before and after the ACA. Here are some key findings from the report:

In 2012, 80 million adults went without care or medication because of the cost.
63 million in 2016 went without healthcare or medication because of the cost.
43% buying plans on their own in 2010 said it was difficult or impossible.
1 in 4 adults in 2016 said it was difficult or impossible to find a plan.
In 2012, 29% did not go to a doctor when they were sick because of the cost.  
1 in 5 didn't go to a doctor when they were sick due to cost in 2016.

Source: Commonwealth Fund, February 1, 2017

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