Friday, June 14, 2013

The IRS Is Enforcing ObamaCare? They've Got To Be Kidding!

6/11/2013 @ 8:00AM
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. So, the president walks into the White House…
He cozies up in the West Wing, hopped up on “Hope and Change!” and proceeds to devise the largest healthcare overhaul in American history.
To get the deal done, this president ducks checks and balances by writ of executive order and some shady backroom dealings. In the process of the power-grab, his sidekicks at the IRS quietly suppress the opposition’s ground game.
Fast-forward a couple years. The legislation has birthed a behemoth. Thirteen thousand pages of regulations stand seven feet tall. It’s increasingly obvious that this massive entitlement regime doesn’t just demand more taxes while diminishing our Constitution. It’s also revealed that the regulatory tough-guys at the IRS have been rewarded with enforcement authority.
Did I mention that the chief inquisitor of the political opposition will run the show? Of course, her agency will have de facto exemption from the program they’re tasked to inflict on the rest of the country.
They’re in good company: the country’s largest employer—which just so happens to be the entire federal government—won’t have to join the exchanges, either.
But it gets better. A surge of scandal floods the media cycle, exposing abuses of federal power, assaults on private property, lies to Congress, and infringements on the First Amendment. Across the political spectrum, citizens are appalled by this “separate and unequal” overreach.
Ready for the punch line?
Well, the joke’s on us. IRS control of ObamaCare’s most coercive elements is the next step toward an abusive administrative state that operates with impunity. The recent scandal uncovered familiar themes: Government intrusion into our privacy and property; bureaucrats granted new opportunities to misuse their power.
Now, Obama wants to add insult to injury. It wasn’t enough to appoint Sarah Hall Ingram—the career bureaucrat who oversaw the office that inappropriately audited Tea Party groups, and whose deputy, Fred Schindler,, was placed on administrative leave for receiving $1,100 in “free” stuff at a 2010 conference—to lead the IRS division that manages the new tax laws in ObamaCare. How will this administration spin the decision to excuse the federal executive branch from participating in exchanges?
The underlying problem with ObamaCare—and big government in general—is a naïve dependence on virtuous bureaucrats who have entirely too much discretion over our lives. Particularly, when they always make sure to exempt themselves from their own bad decisions.
If 2.65 million federal executive branch employees and their families don’t want to participate in ObamaCare, that’s fine. Implementation is a “train wreck” and they shouldn’t be shy about it. Just don’t forget to excuse the rest of us while you’re at it.
In the meantime, Rep. Dave Camp, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, proposed that all federal employees be subject to the same exchanges as their constituents. The Michigan Republican recently introduced a bill, H.R. 1780, that would prevent top federal officials, his fellow members of Congress, the president, and his cabinet from exempting themselves and their staffs from provisions in Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
Equal treatment under the law should be a no-brainer in Washington. Yet, the IRS scandal shatters the myth that the federal government will implement its enforcement measures in an apolitical fashion.
When ObamaCare takes full effect in January 2014, the IRS will arm itself with up to 16,500 new enforcement agents tasked with managing the most expansive human database in our nation’s history to enforce the individual mandate, penalizing the individuals who don’t buy insurance and the businesses that can no longer afford to provide it to their employees.

That’s spells more bad news for the middle class. Hundreds of thousands of workers—especially those working in retail and restaurant industries—have seen their hours decreased because employers can’t afford to offer coverage to full-time employees. The CBO predicts up to 20 million Americans will lose access to workplace benefits in the next few years, as employers attempt to save money by dropping health coverage and simply paying the IRS penalty fine.
Americans of all political stripes are about to see their insurance rates sky-rocket, while crippling regulations punish success and growth. That should also alarm millennials—a recent study estimates that insurance rates for healthy adults in their 20s and 30s could rise by as much as 30 percent.

Rep. Tom Price recently introduced the “Keep the IRS Off Your Healthcare Act of 2013” which bars the IRS from “implementing or enforcing” any element of the healthcare law. Rep. Price gets it—rewarding the IRS’s bad behavior with more authority sets a clear moral hazard.

But you can’t beat something with nothing. House Republicans must seize the moral high-ground. It’s time to take the offensive on healthcare reform to craft legislation that demands a patient-centered approach, including universal access to Health Savings Accounts, interstate competition, voluntary enrollment, premium support Medicare reform, and Block-grant Medicaid to improve healthcare for the poor.

In other words, solutions that favor more freedom.

The alternative is an unpopular, inefficient insurance regime that’s managed by the biggest bullies in federal government—folks who don’t have to follow their own rules. That’s no laughing matter.

Matt Kibbe Contributor
I am the President and CEO of the grassroots organization FreedomWorks. I have been with the organization (previously known as Citizens for a Sound Economy) for over 15 years. FreedomWorks recruits, educates, trains and mobilizes millions of volunteer activists to fight for less government, lower taxes, and more freedom. An economist by training, I am a well-respected national public policy expert, bestselling author and political commentator. I also serve as Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Austrian Economic Center in Vienna, Austria. I co-authored the bestselling book, Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto with former House Majority Leader Dick Armey.
The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.

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