Tuesday, August 11, 2015

68% of Uninsured Californians Gained Coverage Since ACA Implementation

Kaiser Family Foundation recently released its latest Longitudinal Panel Survey results following uninsured Californians. Here are some key findings from the report:

·         68% of Californians who were uninsured before the ACA's implementation are now insured.

·         The first open enrollment period insured 58% of these in 2014.

·         One third of these previously uninsured Californians are insured through Medi-Cal (Medicaid).

·         14% of the previously uninsured are now insured through an employer.

·         Covered California (California's Marketplace) provided plans to 12% of the previously uninsured.

·         Almost 1 in 3 Californians who were uninsured before the ACA's implementation remain uninsured.

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, July 30, 2015

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