Thursday, August 20, 2015

Autism Will Cost the U.S. $461 billion by 2025

UC Davis recently released economic projections for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the U.S. Here are some key findings from the analysis:

·         ASD-related medical, nonmedical and productivity losses are estimated at $268 billion for 2015.

·         Costs of ASD will range from $276 to $1 trillion (with a best estimate of $461 billion) for 2025.

·         The current costs of ASD are more than double the combined costs of stroke and hypertension.

·         If ASD prevalence continues its current growth trend, the costs will exceed those of diabetes by 2025.

·         Diabetes is funded by the National Institutes of Health at over than five times the level of research on ASD.

Source: UC Davis, July 28, 2015

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