Thursday, April 28, 2016

3.2% of Children Under Age Five are Uninsured

The Urban Institute recently conducted an analysis of uninsurance rates in children under five years old. Here are some key findings from the report:

·         The share of young children (under 5) without health insurance fell from 13% in 1997 to 3.2% in 2015.

·         As of 2014, 1 million young children were uninsured, down from nearly 3 million in 1997.

·         91.6% of uninsured young children were in families with incomes below 400% FPL in 2014.

·         Young noncitizen children were more than 3 times as likely to be uninsured as citizen children.

·         6.4% of children with noncitizen family members were uninsured, compared to 3.5% with all-citizen families.

·         In 2014, 40.9% of uninsured young children were Hispanic, 41.5% were white, and 11.4% were black.

Source: The Urban Institute, April 19, 2016

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