Monday, December 21, 2015

43% of Retirees Not Offered Help Understanding Medical Benefits

Towers Watson recently released survey results on retiree and employer perceptions of communication about retiree medical benefits. Here are some key findings from the report:

·         43% of retirees said their employers did not help them understand/manage their retiree medical benefits.

·         9% of employers acknowledged they offered no help with retiree medical benefits.

·         1 in 3 retirees said their employers spoke with them about the out-of-pocket costs of their coverage.

·         Half of employers said they communicated about the out-of-pocket costs of retiree medical coverage.

·         19% of retirees said they were offered financial planning resources and decision-support tools.

·         2 in 5 employers said they offered financial planning resources for medical benefits.

Source: Towers Watson, December 10, 2015

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