Friday, August 5, 2016

39% of Private Companies Offered A Self-Insured Health Plan in 2015

Employee Benefit Research Institute recently released a study on trends in self-insured health plans among private-sector establishments. Here are some key findings from the report:

·         39% of private-sector establishments offered at least one self-insured health plan option in 2015.

·         This is a 36.8% increase from the 28.5% of plans offering a self-insured option in 1996.

·         30.1% of midsized establishments offered at least 1 self-insured plan in 2015, up from 25.3% in 2013.

·         For small establishments the increase from 2013-2015 was 13.3% to 14.2%.

·         80.4% of large establishments offered a self-insured health plan option in 2015, vs. 83.9% in 2013.

·         3 in 5 health-plan-covered workers enrolled in self-insured health plans in 2015, vs. 58.2% in 2013.

Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute, July 2016

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