Jul 19, 2016 | By Marlene Y. Satter
Opponents of marijuana, beware: A study has found that in states where
marijuana is legalized, Medicare saved millions of dollars as marijuana
displaced other prescription drugs as an alternative treatment.
Forbes magazine says that the study, published in the journal Health
Affairs by a father-and-daughter research team, examined Medicare data for the
period of 2010 to 2013 on prescription drug usage, seeking “to answer two
questions: are patients choosing marijuana instead of prescription drugs for
conditions that marijuana might treat, and what has been the overall effect on
Medicare spending?”
In 2013, 17 states legalized marijuana. And in that year alone, Medicare
was in the black by $165 million as patients, or their doctors, opted for the
alternative treatment. The Forbes piece points out that, by simple
extrapolation, legalization of marijuana by the rest of the states could result
in even more substantial savings.
Until the federal law is changed, employers in states that allow some form
of marijuana use are caught in the...
Ashley Bradford and David Bradford, researchers at the University of
Georgia, checked more than 87 million Medicare Part D database prescriptions,
looking only at those conditions for which marijuana might serve as an
alternative treatment. Nine specific categories fill that requirement: anxiety,
depression, glaucoma, nausea, pain, psychosis, seizures, sleep disorders and
In eight of the nine categories, prescriptions dropped; the largest
decrease was for pain medication, with depression and seizures also showing
substantial decreases. The only category that experienced an increase was
glaucoma, and the study had an answer for that. Marijuana’s effect on
intraocular pressure is of short duration — only about an hour. So patients who
opted for it rather than another drug are likely to end up with an FDA-approved
States having medical marijuana laws saw a decrease of 3,645 fewer pain
prescriptions per doctor, which is strongly statistically significant. Between
2010 and 2013, the annual number of daily doses per doctor in states that did
not have medical marijuana laws was 31,810. In states with medical marijuana,
that number dropped to 28,165 — a decrease of 11.5 percent.
The study suggests that as marijuana becomes legal in more states, the
amount of money it could save Medicare — not to mention regular insurance,
which was not part of the study — could amount to “hundreds of millions of
dollars” — and it could also save money in law enforcement costs that is
currently spent on prosecuting marijuana use.
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